big fish是“一条大鱼吗”?cold fish又是什么意思?

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big fish是“一条大鱼吗”?cold fish又是什么意思?

2023-04-23 02:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

三、a cold fish

cold是冷的,fish是鱼,a cold fish不是“一条冷冻的鱼”,也不是一条“冷酷的鱼”。

cold fish常被用来指冷酷无情的人,缺乏热情或幽默感的人。

I can’t understand him why he said Mini V’s a big fish but a cold fish?


四、drink like a fish

drink是饮,like是喜欢,fish是鱼,drink like a fish不是“像鱼一样饮”。

drink like a fish 指豪饮,酗酒,狂饮。

She bragged to Mini V that she could drink like a fish and eat like a pig. As a matter of fact, she always eats like a bird.


上面例句中eat like a bird 指吃得很少。小V再拓展一下,eat like a horse是吃得很多。eat like a wolf的意思是狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃。

五、have other fish to fry

have是有,other是其它的,fish是鱼,fry是炒或炸,have other fish to fry是“有其它的鱼要炒或炸”吗?

have other fish to fry 也是一句俚语,指另有打算,另有更重要的事要办。

Jackie Chan can’t go with Mini V for a barbecue this Sunday. He has other fish to fry.


成龙的英文名是Jackie Chan哦。

六、a fish out of water

fish是鱼,out of是从……里出来,water是水,a fish out of water是什么意思?

鱼本来在水里生活。当鱼离开水这个环境时,它还能活得舒服吗?肯定不会啦。所以,俚语a fish out of water指人像离开水的鱼,浑身不自在,不得其所。

Mini V’s girlfriend is a country girl who feels like a fish out of water here in the big city.


七、to fish in troubled waters

fish是鱼,troubled是混乱的,waters是水域,fish in troubled waters是“在混水中钓鱼”吗?

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